Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Well, I was bored amongst other things this morning, so I decided to look into the "Janet's Nipple - Halftime Show" from the recently past Super Bowl. I happened to catch that part of the half-time show with a few friends, but we thought nothing of it. "There must have beena cover or something..", "No way. That couldn't be real...", etc... However, a little bit of googling and some semi-decent luck has lead me to the fact that it really WAS Janet's nipple/boobie on the half-time show. I was pretty surprised to say the least. So, I collected a few images for proof and have posted them in this topic. Pretty cool, huh? If anyone feels the need to comment on this, you can do it HERE. Anyway, enjoy the images and forum. Until next time, "See ya' space cowboy.".

AND, just to let you know, I also found a video of the nipple-slip you can download right HERE! Enjoy!