Saturday, October 23, 2004
It's been an awfully long time since I've updated these blogs. I do apologize for that. However, there is a reason for this... THERE'S NOTHING INTERESTING GOING ON! Doesn't that make sense to you also? So, I'll just banter on about nothing for a while in order to make this blog 100% NOT worth reading. How's that?
One very uninteresting thing I have been doing for the past few days is working on a "survey" of sorts on The reason I call it a "survey" is because I don't really have what some would call a normal account on MySpace. What I've done is downloaded an image from and posted that as my picture. Yes! Isn't that funny?! Har-fucking-har... Now, for the fun part. I am ONLY adding girls to my friends list. I am curious (I'm not sure why) how many girls will allow me to be on their Friends List after viewing the image they think is me. So far, I actually have had an extraordinary amount of people accept the friend requests. Needless to say, I was very surprised. So, after people stop accepting my friend requests, I will upload my actual picture to see how many accept it then. So, basically, I just want to see how many ugly-person hating bigots there are out there. That's my life in a nutshell at the moment. Yay... Yippy...
If you'd like to visit my account to check it out, here it is:
And here is the image I am currently using on

Thanks for visiting. Future updates are in the back of my mind...
Janky Jay III