Updates and information.
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Ahh yes. The final update about system down time... Well, it turns out I am moving for sure. All my services will be down for quite some time. Apparently, I cannot use the same service where I am moving to. Therefore, I'm going to have to shut all of it down and restart from somewhere else. I am, however, attempting to have email and stuff hosted on another machine so users won't lose that service at least. HOPEFULLY that goes as planned. If not, I apologize to anyone I can no longer supply services for. *sighs* But, the servers will be back up eventually. I just need time to get myself situated and established. I guess what I've been trying to say this entire time is... If, for some reason, the servers go down out of nowhere... THAT'S THE CAUSE! Just so ya' know. 'Tis all for now. Not sure if there will be many more updates to this page before everything is down. So, so long everyone! It's been a good run. Until next time, keep it straight and don't be stupid.
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Only read this if you care about what happens here. Otherwise, ignore this post and your ridiculous attempt at life. Give up and buy a ticket to hell. For those of you that DO care, read as follows...
This site will most likely be down for a while due to me moving out of my current residence. Thus, leaving this un-visited, un-interesting, rotten site to sit in it's own filth. If, in fact, it does go down for an extended period of time, it is because my current service isn't available in my newly found area(I'm still looking into this). So, keep your little booties on and I'll update again once I know exactly what's up. For those of you that want to ask questions or inform me of anything, feel free to mail me any time. 'Tis all for now. Thanks for visiting and behave, "Littl-uns"!